This paper providers detailed information on manpower in private hospitals in Thailand. Results were drawn from the 1990 – 1992 private hospital census. Results showed that hospitals registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand had the highest numbers of full time physicians and professional nurses compared with other types of hospitals, such as non-profit foundation, companies and polyclinics. We found variation in staffing patterns in terms of full and part time categories between hospitals in Bangkok and upcountry. Hospitals in the Stock Exchange Market had the highest productivities. During 1990 – 92, the percent increase per annum of throughput showed high demand for private hospital services. In Bangkok, outpatient visits increased by 19% per annum; hospitalization by 13%; hospital days by 7%. Increase in demand for intensive care was extra-ordinarily high during this period; it rose by 31% during 1990-92, requiring further in-depth exploration to explain the phenomena.
The study provided the first comprehensive information on the number of different part time and full time hospital manpower categories in the private sector in 1992 and the percent increase per annum during 1990 – 1992. It can be used to forecast demand for manpower in private hospitals both in Bangkok and different regions as well as the possible impact on public hospital staffing.