Surgical Blood Use in Sappasittiprasong Hospital with Application to the Maximum Surgical Blood Order Schedule This study was descriptive study that collected data of surgical experience of Sappasittiprasong hospital in anesthetic and admission record retrospectively and analyzed each surgical procedure by transfusion indices [Crossmatch percentage, transfusion percentage and Crossmatch transfusion ratio (CT ratio)] In 1997 , 6,757 anesthetic procedures were done but we could collect data of 4,693 elective surgical patients from anesthetic and admission records (69.4%) and classified 106 surgical procedures into 4 groups. The operation with crossmatch percentage and transfusion percentage greater than 30 was categorized in group 1. There were 25 surgical procedures in this group. The operation with crossmatch percentage greater than 30 but transfusion percentage less than 30 was categorized in group 2. There were 31 surgical procedures in this group. The operation with crossmatch percentage less than 30 but transfusion percentage greater than 30 was categorized in group 3. There were 6 surgical procedures in this group. The other operation with crossmatch percentage and transfusion percentage less than 30 was categorized in group 4. There were 44 surgical procedures in this group. All 4 groups had CT ratio 2.57 : 1 , 8.95 : 1 , 1.82 : 1 and 10.73 : 1 respectively.Group 1 was high risk group of transfusion so we set number of blood unit for each procedure in “MSBOS”.Group 2 and 4 were low risk group of transfusion so “Type & Screen” should be appropriate for these procedures.In group 3 , the transfusion indeces showed that preoperative crossmatch of these procedures had been appropriated