Usage the law symbols for buying cigarette control in teenagersUsage the law symbols for buying cigarette control in teenagers: we conducted the Quasi-experimental research that controls the teenagers buying cigarette by using law symbols. We holded five law symbols on the cigarette department stores in the village where in Amphur Muang, Khonkaen Province from August 1998 to January 1999. The objective of this research to find out suitable law symbols for cigarette buying control which effective in teenagers whom have 13 years old to 18 years old (N1=157) and in all of cigarette department stores (N2=23) in that village. The methodology of this research, we studied in knowledge, attitude and behavior of teenagers about buying cigarette, smoking and using law symbols by using questionnaires and record their smoking action. And we gave health education about the law symbols and the advantage non smoking to them. Besides we also explored about attitude in using law symbols in head villagers, teachers and parents in that village, (N3=57. The result of this study showed that after we used the law symbols teenagers decreased in cigarette buying (45) The usage of law symbols made teenagers have more knowledge, attitude and behavior in non smoking and they expected to have non smoking behavior (Significant .01). It is so interesting we found that the 1st symbol (No teenagers below 18 years old buy cigarette) and 2nd symbol (Not to sale cigarette for teenagers below 18 years old) were effective in this study.