Purpose: To study pattern of tremor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease patient for differential diagnosis from other symptoms, including related movement disorder and study measure parameters of tremor and create the system to collect the data with wireless internet. Method: This study particularize 2 periods 1) To develop assisted device for detect tremor symptoms, including tremor assessment device with tremor analysis software and spiral drawing 2) To enroll population who have tremor symptom 100 sample and manufacture 40 device give to 20 hospital for test this device. Results: This study during in period 1, to design and develop tremor device for diagnostic and monitoring patients with Parkinson's disease. This device include hardware that can detect accelerometer 3 axial and gyroscope 3 axial and tremor analysis software that show angular rate, angular rms, peak rate, peak frequency and other parameters and can save the data by notebook or android technology. Tremor device was designed modern form, small sensor board as a wristwatch and can take pulse rate. This device can set time to test. In part of the signal made stably and reduce to send error signal. Conclusion: In the part of develop tremor device in episode1 and 2 focus on practical use of medical device, that save the data from user and have to design with regard to available use in daily, safety , smart and technology is more modern.