Background: Government measures related to drug pricing have been done continuously since 1981, when
Thailand's the first National Drug Policy was developed. Therefore, there should be a study to monitor the
impacts of these measures to offer a proper drug pricing policy for Thailand.
Methods: The study employed a mixed-method approach. The quantitative analysis used records from the
Comptroller General’s Department from fiscal years 2018 to 2022 (1 October 2017–30 September 2022), a
total of 5 years. Drug samples were sampling according to the treatment group, monopoly, oligopoly, and
biological drugs. Data was analyzed by Excel program. The qualitative research gathered information from
focus group meetings of parties involved in drug prices. The result of quantitative part was the input of
meetings. Analyze the content to develop a draft national drug policy.
Results: The draft National Drug Pricing Policy was proposed from the quantitative and qualitative research.
1) The quantitative research. It was found that the reference pricing measure having high impact on prices.
The procurement method impacted more on prices of generic drugs than innovative drugs. Procured prices
of innovators varied among public hospitals. Market competition lowered the drug prices and distances from
Bangkok did not affect on prices. 2) The qualitative research. It was found that new measures were suggested
as; single price policy to solve price the variation problem, the national negotiation and procurement for high
price drugs under UC, price setting prior launching to the market for high price and innovator drugs, and
adjust the process of price negotiation and procurement.
Conclusion: The appropriate National Drug Pricing Policy for Thailand, with all stakeholder collaboration,
should be developed to control drug pricing along the supply chain. Thus, to obtain the benefits in planning
for national budget, equity of drug accessibility, and sustainability of local pharmaceutical industry. Key to
success of the development of the National Drug Pricing Policy should be “Flow SEB”, as F: Flow of work S:
Single policy E: Exclusive authorized organization B: Bundle measures.