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Now showing items 1-20 of 5843
Health Systems Research Institute Act B.E. 2535 (A.D. 1992)
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1992-04-09) -
Thailand's mid-decade goals for children : monitoring and evaluation programme phase 1: national monitoring and evaluation system and current mid-decade goals status
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1993)The study included a critical scrutiny in all aspects of the information system including personnel involved, data collection forms, compilation procedures, utization, and reporting system up the hierarchy from sub-district ... -
Health system in transition
(สถาบันวิจัยระบบสาธารณสุข, 1995) -
Thailand's tobacco control laws : Tobacco products control act B.E.2535 (1992) non-smokers'health protection act B.E.2535 (1992)
(สถาบันวิจัยระบบสาธารณสุข, 1995) -
Thai drug system : a situation analysis for further development
(สถาบันวิจัยระบบสาธารณสุข, 1995) -
Comparative health systems
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1995) -
Achieving universal coverage in health systems : strategies and pre-requisites
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1996) -
Decentralization and health systems a review on the experience of Thailand
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1996) -
Behaviors and environment conductive to health promoting behaviors among youths, housewives and workers in Thailand
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1997)The study of behaviors and environment conducive to health promoting behaviors among youths, housewives and workers in Thailand The objective of this project were to assess health promoting behaveiors of youths, housewives, ... -
Public health services policy analysis and development of decentralization of administration to provincial and local governments in Thailand
(s.n.], 1997)The project on public health services policy analysis and development of decentralization of administration to provincial and local governments in ThailandThe civil service system is an important mechanism for national ... -
Manpower Mix in private Hospitals in Thailand: A Census report.
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1997)This paper providers detailed information on manpower in private hospitals in Thailand. Results were drawn from the 1990 – 1992 private hospital census. Results showed that hospitals registered in the Stock Exchange of ... -
Policy communication
(National Health Foundation ; Division of Communication and Behavioral Sciences Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University, 1997)Policy communicationThe need for this policy communication workshop was mainly two fold: to maxmize investment on research by using findings to mobilize relevant policy communication and equip a group of technical people ... -
The role of public and private sector in manpower production: A debate
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1997)This paper aims at promoting discussion on the role of the public and private sectors in university education. Privatisation direction circumscribed by civil service reform and structural adjustment in several countries ... -
Proposal for the development of a national mechanism for health care technology assessment in Thailand
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1997) -
Analysis and design computer system for public provincial health office
(s.n, 1997?)Analysis and design computer system for public provincial health officeHealth System Research Institution (HSRI) has realized the importance of using computer technology in public health, especially in the Provincial ... -
Exempting the poor : a review and evaluation of the low income card scheme in Thailand
(London School of hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1998)The purposes of this study were to assess the Thai Low Income Card Scheme (LIC scheme) and to derive inputs for policy debates concerning how to improve effectiveness of the scheme and increase coverage for the uncovered ... -
Equity in the delivery of health care in Thailand
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1998)Equity in the delivery of health care in ThailandThe Thai national health objective have never been pronounced in equity objective as observed in the new 1997 constitution. These statements are philosophical rather than ... -
The epidemiology of inequity : the case of Slum Dwellers inThailand, a research report
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1998) -
Quantitative assessments of disease impact on society : a conceptual approach to prioritization & agenda setting of health problems for policy determination in Thailand
(Health Systems Research Institute, 1998) -
Epidemiology of injuries among construction workers : A prospective study in northeastern Thailand
(Faculty of Public Health Khon Kaen University, 1998)Epidemiology of injuries among construction workers: A prospective study in northeastern ThailandThis study was 6 month follow-up study of injuries among construction workers conducted during late 1996 to early 1997 at ...