Confrontation of two concepts on human civilization has been more imminent in this era. While the west represents linear evolution, the east represents circular development of human history But in the world with material development, the way of life of the people is not as happy as they deemed to be. The rigidity of knowledge that used for human development has become cage to imagination. Thus freezing the thought so that it is not corresponding to reality of nature. This brought about suffering on the lives of individuals and societies and also the deeper unbalance in ecology causing the problem culture that lead to the problem of health. In this wider crisis, there struggles to find solution. This happened in various fields of knowledge and activities as in science, religion, culture, art and social movements. Whether physicists or artists both have realized the necessity to find new perspectives. They realized the necessity to find a new manner toward the world. They need new ideas and new language and new practice to suit the new reality Surely, there will be resistance from the people and the systems of the old paradigm. But this paradigm change is not the replacement of new idea for the old one. For it will include and transcend the old world and integrate it to the new one. It will find new way of management and politics combining truth with beauty transcending any violence causing by the limits of the old paradigm. Combining the east and west concept of human development in the most creative way imaginable. Instead of circle or linear we will come up with spiral dynamics with corresponding to the form of life force.