Social innovation: definition and key features in Thailand This paper is based on the information obtained from related Thai documents, interviews and study visit. Social innovation is defined as “Anything new whether in the form of ideas, imaginations, opportunities, or actions to solve problems or to make a better society. These new things include the improvement of or those based on existing things.” Key features of social innovation include:Opening and enhancing space for wisdom and societyInitiated by individuals, organizations or communities to solve their own problems, not because of the external controlRaising public conscience for the benefit of the society as a whole preceding individual’s or group’s benefitHas dynamic development with prolong existence in which the form or pattern may change as a result of creativity, commitment and action A review of five organizations supported social innovation in Thailand suggested that social innovators could be individuals, organizations or communities. The supports obtained include project funding, personal allowance, academic assistance, forum or network building, and awards given. The supports could be given at any stage of the innovation development i.e idea development, testing, implementation, expansion to a broader society. Suggestions for the operation of the Social Innovation OfficeThe Social Innovation Office should emphasize support given to any new ideas, new methods, new strategies/models, and new opportunities including new existence or developed on what existed.Facilitate network building among related organizations to avoid duplication and to support each other.Fill in the gap of existing operation, built on current existence and integrate old and new operations including coordination with related agencies.Supports can be provided to individuals, organizations and communities focuses on those with the following five features: do not give up easily, have imagination and recreation, has public conscience, readiness to take action, ability to communicate with others.Potential activities for the office to provide the support include searching for social innovators (SIs), support SIs to develop new ideas, support SIs to implement or test the new ideas, and support expansion of the innovation to a wider society. Support can be given in forms of financial support, technical support and network building.Three guiding principles of the office to consider when providing support are: (1) creating horizontal relationship between the office and SIs (2) working in a more proactive direction and (3) promoting enabling environment for innovative culture society.Exclude support of activities that are not social innovation including: already well-known ideas, activities or models, activities that are beneficial to individuals/groups, activities implemented on an ad hoc basis, top-down originated activities.