The Task of Tambon Administration Organization (TAO) and the strength of Tambon Civil Society (Sub-district Community) in dealing with Tambon health problems The study on the task of Tambon Administration Organization (TAO) and the strength of Tambon Civil Society (Sub-district Community) in dealing with Tambon health problems has its objective to research the project or activities in five-year Tambon development plan, to deal with the problems of community sanitation, to research the task of Tambon Administration Organization and Tambon Civil Society in dealing with community sanitation including with some factors creating cooperation and participation in Tambon Civil Society Approach a deal with the problems of community sanitation. The study is the field research which having units of analyses; for example, TAOs throughout the country represented by 40 TAOs samplings in all parts of the country with studied populations; such as, TAO’s representatives who are administrative chairman, TAO administrative Committee, members of TAO Council, TAO Personal (Deputy Director of TAO) and local group’s, community organization’s representatives. Material used on this study is questionnaire in-depth and focus group discussion including 3 TAO case studies selected from the TAOs with some Community in dealing with community sanitation. The result of the study found that The project or activity research on TAO’s Tambon Development Plan during 1998-1999 found that 36% of the projects or activities under Tambon Development Plan with community health following the Tambon Development Plan in the Regulations of Annual Budget and TAO’s Additional Expenditure during 1998-1999 and 30% of the projects under the Budget Regulation had its projects or activities made. Most of the projects are small which supported through the agency concerned by TAO’s finance. The result on the TAO’s task and Tambon Civil Society in movement for operation is particular obligation in dealing with Community Sanitation found TAO’s task with management on community sanitation, in conclusion benefit activities management to health promotion, community sanitation, environment and public health, disease prevention, basic public service and public utility including with water resource development. In addition, the TAO’s operation is to support other organizations with finance budget in any activities performed to benefit to the public; for example, purchasing of drugs for health centers, purchasing fogger to get rid of mosquitoes, public health check, get rid of hydrophobia, lunch and nutrient support of Child Development Center as well as activities run by TAO’s in different capabilities; for example, anti-drug addict campaign, AIDS, disease prevention and control, disposal of garbage, public education for health and hygiene, hazardous material control, mobile TAO health, cooking and nutrition, medicinal plant transformation, and natural resource reservation, etc. The task of groups and community organizations with their movement in Tambon Civil Society found that their operation is similar to the TAO’s, except, the TAO with strong community organization. Most public health activities are varied; for example, a campaign to have to elderly taken care, medicinal plant transformation, savings for occupation support, conservation of natural resources and environment, water pollution, pollution, including alternative agriculture, etc. The result of researching for the basic needs of TAO’s, groups, and community organizations, found that they are in the same way; in addition, the problems of drug addict, disease, epidemic, collecting and getting rid of garbage, pollution, lacking of drinking water are urgently to be solved while the community organization needs additional basic knowledge of community health, caring and arranging welfare to children, elderly, handicapped and inferior opportune persons including with selective community health activity. Some factors crated cooperation and participation in Tambon idea to get rid of the community health problems; for example, community of TAO, vision of TAO executives; idea, intention, coordination, budget and TAO income, community leaders and strength of organization, education center and community learning process. Political suggestion to the organization concerned development of community health in Tambon should be made for sample “Tambon Health Community” showing strong collaboration among population (group, community organization), private development organization, private sector and government organization in provincial, district, Tambon levels to promote Tambon health community while the health center may become community learning center for health. Group and Tambon community may campaign together in education to those of village and Tambon as well. Suggestion to TAO is to establish together, “TAO Community”. There should be the Public Health Section apart from TAO Organization and the particular personal skill in essential Community Health should be developed. The TAO, Health Center, Public Welfare official including group and Community Organization must cooperate and participate to create the task for Tambon community health to decentralize community health of TAO and community in the future.