The evaluation on development of a care system for children and juveniles in a child and juvenile observation and protection center was the final stage of this action research. It aimed to evaluate the development of child and juvenile care system and to assess the changes of the children and juveniles’ behaviors, families, and personnel being in charge of the care, including, learning about development and working process. It was a long-term study cooperated with cross-sectional study of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The project evaluation was carried out by Auto-Evaluation technique. And the holistic assessment on development of child and juvenile care system was accomplished by qualitative and quantitative analysis. In the assessment, the system theory had been followed as a concept paradigm. The inputs were organization structure, policy and budget, care personnel, children and juveniles, and environment conditions. All of these had been being processed participatorily in the development of the child and juvenile care system. It was fruitedly on effectiveness of the child and juvenile care process. They were appropriately well cared. Also, there were some changes of children and juveniles’ behaviors. They had self-reliance, pride, and self-worthiness. As a result, they were well accepted by their families and communities. A conclusion of the research was as follow: 1. There were a lot of better changes in the organization structure. For instances, there were: well-defined policy for jobs, better motivation on running work to meet the objectives, good interrelationships, better attitudes towards children and juveniles, clean, well-ordered and good scenery of environments. 2. The participation in thinking and operation geared to successful development. By the way this resulted from the realization and confronting bravado of the executives, cooperation between the executives and personnel of the organization, tightly relationships of the organizational personnel, and steadily hold to the ultimate goal and the objectives of the development. 3. The development from “grass roots” to “policy” was resulted from government official reform. It made the organization having more clear administration system. There was a cooperative network for development between the Mental Health Department and the Department of Child and Juvenile Observation and Protection. The outstanding aspects of this research were presented in the department and ministry level. As a result, it fostered an opportunity for better development. It could be also motivated the ones who had steadily willingness and active inspiration for development. Important factors helping development of children and juveniles in the Observation and protection Center were:Cooperative participation between the researchers and Organizational stakeholders.To achieve problem solving, operation must follow the plan.Operation evaluation and improvement of the plan.Operation conclusion.Interchanging of learning.