This study entitled “Muslim Women’s Social Space and Health Empowerment through Physical Activities amid Unrest Situation in Southernmost Provinces, Thailand” aims i) to investigate information of the Muslim women’s social space and health empowerment through physical activities. ii) to investigate to what extent of capability of Muslim women’s physical activities according to Islamic Jurisprudence and iii) to provide channels of possible physical activities to Muslim women in strengthening physical health. The research findings are as following points: Point 1: The data regarding Muslim women’s social space and health empowerment through physical activities were found that they strengthen their physical health through daily routine activities including taking ablution for prayers, performing daily five time prayers, watering trees in housing areas, shearing grass, fruit picking from their farms and washing clothes using hands. Moreover, they still strengthen their physical health through their careers as self- employed businesses. These activities can be considered to be Muslim women’s social space in health empowerment. However, there are certain limitations regarding insufficient public places for their physical activities which are permissible according to Islamic principles. On the other hands, they have their own space for informal discussion to release stress and for the sake of entertainment. They also organize various activities among themselves based on their capability particularly, volunteering activities contributing to others in the community. Moreover, external organizations support them in terms of physical therapy and activities to encourage them to live their lives happily. Point 2: The extent of capability of Muslim women’s physical activities according to Islamic Jurisprudence shows that Muslim women are able to do exercise for strengthening their physical health through several activities under the framework of Islamic principles. In other words, the activities involved in should not much extreme, the outfits should be properly dressed under Islamic Jurisprudence. Most importantly, it is not allowed to mix between males and females in the same workout place. So far, there have no specific places for the Muslim women’s physical activities provided in all levels of age and gender. Point 3: The channels of Muslim women’s physical activities in health empowerment are proposed as follows: 1. The workout places should be specifically for women publically since there are not only the venues for their health empowerment but they are also the platforms for them specifically widowed women to exchange experiences and ideas among themselves 2. Policy makers who are in charge of building Muslim women’s social space of physical activities in the area of Southernmost provinces of Thailand should support and cooperate all organizations involved for instance, Islamic committee, local government organizations and Halal institute. 3. Training providing knowledge to Muslim women from different government and non- government organizations involved should be held to release and relieve their stress, depression, worry and the symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD) through organizing physical activities. 4. Encouragement of participation of Mama (Pondok leader’s wife) in organizing both religious and physical activities in their own community.