This is a translated and edited article from chapter III (pp. 55-83) of the book published by Charles C.
Thomas Publisher, Springfield, Illinois, in 1994 entitled Art-centered Education and Therapy for Children with
Disabilities by Frances E. Anderson. Art adaptations for children with disabilities are focused on providing
children with an easy and comfortable way to obtain art experiences and produce creative artworks of
their own. The most important and challenging work for the working team (which comprised teacher,
physical therapist, occupational therapist, medical staff, art therapist, and the disabled child) involves the
method for solving various types of adaptation problems. In general, art adaptations are grouped into
four categories: in the physical space, in the art media and tools, in instructional sequence, and in technological
adaptations. Details on how these art adaptation categories are implemented in children with
mental retardation, learning disabilities, behavioral/emotional disturbances, physical disabilities, hearing
and visual impairments are elaborated in the text.