The objectives of the study of “The management of Local (Sub-district) health security
fund in Pichit province 2008” were to explore financing situation, roles of committee in manage
fund, the implementation of diseases prevention and protection, monitoring, controlling and
evaluating system of the fund that relevant to objectives of the fund. The study conducted in 16
pilot local health security funds in Pichit between October 1st and May 31st 2009.
The results found that in the management system factor, sources of fund and collected
income trend to be decrease. The central government subsidy was trend to be increase. The
specific subsidy was slightly decrease meanwhile the others were stable. Proportion of health
financing was trend to be increase. Nevertheless, proportion of subsidy from National Security
Office was tren to be decrease, meanwhile the joining budget from local government and others
communities trend to be more increasing. Buget allocation from Local health security fund, Most
of it allocated to elderly then agegroup equal to and more than 25 years, 6-25 years, handicab, 0-6
years and pregnant weman respectively.
Most of expenditure by activities was paid for health care, health promotion, subsidised
to health facilities, funding management and mangement improving respectively. The commitee’s
opinion on level of performance found that it was in the fair, good and poor level equal to 44.70,
34.85 and 20.45 percent respectively. The differentiation of the perfomances between any local
health security funds found the significantly different at 0.01 (P-value < 0.01)
The differentiation of performances between different working positions found that it
was not sigificantly different. Only one local government that had strategic planning, it was
Tambol Thayium, Saklek district. Most of local plans and projects come from community and
sub-district forum, proposal from health worker and member of local government. There were a
few projects propsed by other sectors and organizations. The less implemented activities were
public communucation, and evaluation.