The practice of the Bangmunnak-Dongcharoen Health Network in carrying out the
policy of preventive control of diabetes mellitus had been by screening patients and high
risk groups using capillary blood glucose levels greater than 110 mg/dl. Such persons would
be sent to the hospital for conventional diagnosis. However, this process created considerable inconvenience as a result of overcrowding with attendees; satisfaction dropped and
attendees missed the opportunity to obtain important knowledge about nutrition and exercise. The author thus created a model for the screening of diabetics and persons at risk and
for providing knowledge by a multidisciplinary team at the health center. The model could
be used for evaluating the satisfaction of the attendees, comparing mean scores on their
knowledge about nutrition and exercise before and after education and demonstration, and
evaluating the satisfaction of the health officials with such a model.
The study was carried out at seven health centers in Bangmunnak district, Phichit
Province. The target population included persons 40 years old and older who had a fasting
plasma glucose level higher than 110 mg/dl. The sample group was tested for knowledge
about nutrition and exercise (pre-test). Then education and a demonstration was given by a
doctor, nutritionist and physiotherapist. Post-testing was done, and the satisfaction of the
sample group and health officials was evaluated. The results of the study showed that 77
persons were included in this study: 29 cases were diagnosed as diabetics, and 48 cases were
in the impaired fasting glucose group. Most of the cases studied were in the age group 41-50
years and 51-60 years. The ratio of females to males was 3.8:1. Average body weight was
63.56 kg, average height was 154.98 cm; the average was 28.74 kg/m2
and 37 cases (48.05%)
had a BMI of 25 kg/m2
. The sample group was satisfied with the education and demonstration. Overall satisfaction was 100 percent and most of the studied group was satisfied with
every step. The cost of travel was reduced by 7.5 times compared with travel to the hospital.
The mean score of the pre-test for knowledge about nutrition was 7.74/10. After education,
the mean score increased to 8.94. The mean score of the pre-test for knowledge about exercise was 7.34/10. After education, it increased to 8.44. A significant difference (tested by
paired t-test) in knowledge about nutrition and exercise of the sample group before and
after the education program (p < 0.05) was observed. The result regarding the satisfaction of
the health officials showed that all the health officials were satisfied with the model (100%).
The results of the study showed that screening, coupled with education about nutrition and
exercise by a multidisciplinary team, can make the attendees more comfortable, economically safe, satisfied with less crowding and able to achieve significantly higher scores on
knowledge about nutrition and exercise. The officials concerned were satisfied about the
education and demonstration aspects.