The purpose of this study is to identify graduation rates of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) program of
Khon Kaen University during the academic year 1973-2012, with total number of 5,598 students from 40
admission classes. There were 3,966 alumni from 34 graduated classes. The information was collected
from the Registrar Office, Student Development Unit, and School Alumni Database, using percentage for
data analysis. The M.D. program responded to the policy of the Human Resources for Health Committee,
the admissions of students (classes# 1-40) were under two core projects: 1) Normal Project (including the
extra quota admissions), and 2) Mega Project for producing medical practitioners (the Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor or CPIRD and the One District One Doctor or ODOD), at 81% (or
4,545 persons), and 19% (or 1,053 persons), respectively. The graduation rate of MD program from 34
classes, was 95.71% (3,796 persons). The on-time graduation rate was 84.06% (3,191 persons); while delayed
graduation rate was 15.75% (598 persons). Under the Normal Project, the graduation rate was 95.81%
(or 3,434 persons), of which on-time graduation was 83.49% (or 2,867 persons). Under the Mega Project
(CPIRD and ODOD), the graduation was 94.76% (362 persons), of which on-time graduation was 89.50%
(324 persons). The graduation rate under the Direct Admission group was 96.09% (or 2039 persons). Additionally,
the graduation rate of Central Admission group was 95.74% (1,348 persons), the CPIRD 1 with a
maximum rate of 96.55% (196 persons), the CPIRD 2 93.25% (152 persons), and the ODOD 87.5% (14
persons). When studied on graduation rate in every 10 years, Phase 1: Year 1st - 10th (1973-1982), the
Normal Project admitted 584 students with graduation rate of 93.87% (or 551 persons), and on-time graduation
rate of 82.94% (or 457 persons). Phase 2: Year 11th - 20th, the Normal Project and CPIRD 1 admitted
1,284 students with graduation rate of 95.87% (or 1,231 persons), and on-time graduation rate of 78.15%
(or 962 persons). Phase 3: Year 21rd - 32nd, the Normal Project and CPIRD 1, admitted 1,571 students with
graduation rate of 96.69% (or 1,519 persons), and on-time graduation rate of 87.29% (or 1,326 persons).
Phase 4: Year 33rd - 40th, only 2 classes, i.e. Class# 33 - 34 (538 students) wer e graduated at a rate of 94.42%
(or 508 persons), and on-time graduation rate of 90.75% (or 461 persons). The academic achievements of
Direct Admission and Central Admission, under Normal Project, were relatively similar and the CPIRD 1
reached maximum academic achievement.